Parent and we

Our parent are beautiful blessings that lord has given to you and me .😊 They have always taken care of our basic needs , our proper growth in all dimensions , our small and big happiness and our problems as well . They know us better than we know about ourselves. At times they need to become strict with us for our welfare . They never wants to hurt us intentionally but they want to become our true friend who not only appreciates us for our good work , encourage us whenever we are feeling low and take care of us but guides us also throughout our journey like a candle does in dark room . When we progress in any area of life , they are more happier than us . I personally feel that like our parents has always tried to fulfill their responsibilities in best way possible for us , it's high time for us to take care of their happinesses. Like parents are always there with us to encourage us whenever we feel low , we should also make sure that whenever they f...