Parent and we

Our parent are beautiful blessings that lord has given to you and me .😊 They have always taken care of our basic needs , our proper growth in all dimensions , our small and big happiness and our problems as well . They know us better than we know about ourselves.  

At times they need to become strict with us for our welfare . They never wants to hurt us intentionally but they want to become our true friend who not only appreciates us for our good work , encourage us  whenever we are feeling low and take care of us but guides us also  throughout our  journey like a candle does in dark room . When we progress in any area of life , they are more happier than us .

I personally feel that  like our parents has always tried to fulfill their responsibilities in best way possible for us , it's high time for us to take care of their happinesses.

Like parents are always there with us to encourage us whenever we feel low , we should also make sure that whenever they feel low due to some reason and they need our encouragement , our presence either physically or by phone (virtually) that time we should be ready to leave our work in between and support them . At times it becomes very difficult for us to understand why they are sad because of lack of maturity . That time we can pray to lord for giving strength to our parents and help them to solve their problem. 

At times our views may not match but we should know how to present our different point of view about particular thing properly to them and ask them politely why is their view better  than our view without being rude to them for no reason and hurt their feelings. We should try our best to spare some time for our parent on regular basis , enjoy being with them and help them whenever they need us . Respect them from our heart .  

One or the other things is missing in everyone's life. But let's stop being sad for it most of the time and  stop complaining to our parent about few things that they could not provide us .  They couldn't do so not because of their lack of will , laziness or any of their negative qualities but it was because of some other reasons that made them helpless at certain point of time in their life. So being a good children  it's our responsibility to understand it , not let them feel guilty anymore because of anything and let them know that they are the best and they have always been doing all good things for us that was possible for them .  

We should not compare our parent with our friends parents. If we do so then they will feel guilty. So instead of that we should express our gratitude to them for all blessings they have been providing to us by their hard work.  So let's take care of these small things together to make our relation with our parent much stronger.😊😊



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