My mom is my role model. She has always work hard to fulfill everyone's happiness and to give proper nourishment to me and my brother. She has many problems in her life like other people but she has always tried her best to deal with all problems strongly that life offers her. She has helped me too by teaching me how to look positively towards different situation of my life. She has often told  me that " Never think you are alone at times when you don't see me , your dad and your brother around you. Our blessings are always there with you. When you will close your eyes that time for a while and think about us then you will feel our presence behind you always. But you have to learn to be more strong and confident so you will be able to fulfill all your dreams which are my dreams ." Whenever she said this statement to me and I looked into her eyes I was able to feel her concern, care and love for me.

My mom believes that perseverance and patience is very important tool that is require to become successful in any field we want. By using this two tools sincerely my mom had successfully learned some activities which was unknown to her few years ago such as fitting furniture's for our shop, doing online payment etc. She is never giving up women. She and my dad are my first teachers of my life. She has taught me many moral values to make me better person. She  always tries her best to do good for everyone . At times some people forgets what my mom had done for them I feel very bad about it and that time I don't feel like talking with them for some days unless I come to know that they have realize their mistake . My mom too feels  so bad at this moment so she starts talking in limit with them but she never stops doing good things for that person whatever is possible for her as she believes that if other people don't behave properly with us that doesn't mean that we leave our goodness . God is always there with us . He will surely give sweet fruits to us for our selfless and good deeds sooner or later. She dislikes lies and unnecessary rudeness. She is very good cook and good writer.

She had  often shared  her childhood memories with me which gave me message that we should be satisfy with what we have. There are many people in this world who are less fortunate than us in one or the other thing. She has always appreciated me  for my goodness and she tells about my mistake whenever she found it so honestly. During preparation of my exams I could feel that she was little bit tensed because her happiness lies in my happiness. But still she tried her best to encourage me and motivate me so that I could prepare well for my exams with focus. She also taught me how  to love myself , respect myself and encourage myself. I am really proud to be her daughter and I love her so much.She has given me so many things in my life which is countless. I want to fulfill all dreams that she has dreamt for me by implying the moral values sincerely that I learnt from her. I want to become her strength and make her proud of me.



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