SRM Days : A walk down towards memory lane
Hello my dear readers ,
How you all are doing in your life ? I hope you are doing well in life. Today I would like to reflect back and share my thoughts about my experience in SRM University which is about to get over, just few months left in this beautiful university then new chapter of mine and my classmates will start. Hope you will enjoy going through it , let's begin -
It seems it was yesterday when my UG journey in this university started by attending online classes in 2020 and it will end this year in few months after presentation of my MSC Project and submission of thesis is done . Till here chapter of my life in this university was filled with lots of beautiful memories with my dear juniors , seniors , friends and respected professors , some ups and downs , small failures , progress in my subject chemistry as well as overall better version of myself. Initially I had a mixed feeling of nervousness and excitement when I joined this university during my UG . However in very days few I got used to this new atmosphere . My respected professors and friends always helped , encouraged and guided me . I am always thankful to them .
I never dare to aim high and my aim was restricted to become school teacher in my subject during initial days of my UG. However all thanks to respected professors of my department who motivated me , believed in my capabilities and told me not to restrict my ambition , aim high to become assistant professor because of my interest in teaching and work hard accordingly. This thing not only helped in changing my thinking but it also helped in improving my subject in much better way while preparing and appearing for entrance exams , taught me how to efficiently balance multiple things and importance of consistent efforts and some sacrifice when you aim high.
Along with taking care of my academics goals I participated in some co- curricular activities like extempore , poster presentation , poetry recitation to take break from regular routine , improve my skills and showcase my talent . Freshers and farewell programs - departmental programs were also very fun . I participated in that as well. Project and practical classes gave me chance to imply whatever I learnt in theory classes and understand it in better way . Teaching my friends and giving presentations boost my confidence and also gave so much happiness. I would always cherish these memories I created in this campus , be thankful , imply whatever I learnt here in my career and life and make everyone proud .
Before I stop my pen I would like to give message to my dear readers - " Always aim high then only you will get chance to push your limits , discover your potential and make proper use of it or else it will remain hidden and you won't be growing . Be consistent in efforts , determined to achieve your goals no matter whatever hurdles you need to cross and also enjoy your life - balance is the key. Be thankful to all respected people who helped you to become what you are today "
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