Lord's blessings brighten our life

Our life is a journey that is fill with many ups and down , meeting and separation , success and failure and many more things . It's up to you and me how inspiring this journey we make for ourselves after overcoming or coping with our problems

There is no person in universe who doesn't have any problem in their life ever . Some people know how to look for positive things in all situation of their life. Sometime these people also become very upset but they try their best to recover soon and they don't let any problem control their creative mind . Some people lose hope very soon whenever any obstacles come and they fail to get instant solution so they mistakenly take wrong actions.  

My dear readers don't look towards dark side of your life always . Don't stop believing in God just because of some dark sides of your life .God is our true friend  and parent. He loves all his creatures . He has blesses  us in different ways because we all have unique capabilities . God is always watching us from heaven and believe me more than him  no one knows what is right and what is wrong for you and me . 

Whenever there are problems in our life that we face due to our or someone's deeds Lord guide us and he gives us courage to face obstacles that is there in our life . So we should be grateful to him forever .Whenever we start complaining to lord , we not only hurt him but in this way we hurt ourselves also because we lose our happiness and peace of mind at this moment . 

Whenever I sit quietly for sometime and I think about blessings that Lord has given me in my life I feel that I am very blessed child of God who is gifted by good and caring parents , good teachers , good family , good brothers , good sisters , peaceful home , good food , some good qualities etc .  Yes like other people few things are missing in my life also . But I am not angry from Lord due to this reason because I feel he is blessing me each day so I can fulfill my dreams , responsibilities, stay happy and try my best to keep others happy . I know my hard work also matters a lot to reach my destination but I don't think it would have been possible for me to overcome obstacles and achieve success if God had not blessed me due to my sincere efforts .

I have a habit of praying to Lord and thanking to him for all his blessings before going to sleep at night and immediately after I wake up . This practice gives me happiness and peace . If you are feeling low about your life then please start counting your blessings and say thanks to God or whoever you believe in . Do not compare your life with anybody . Learn to be happy with whatever  Lord has gifted you by practicing this habit - showing gratitude for all beautiful things you have including your good qualities . This habit will also help you and me to stay optimistic when conditions are not good around us for sometime . 



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