Time is our best teacher

 Each time of our life whether good, bad, painful, joyful ,idle , boring or struggling one is decided by our emotions and actions not clock . A clock and a watch are just two  device that are used by you and me to know what is exact time in any place at particular moment . It depends upon you and me that how well we utilize our time .

Good times and bad times both comes in our life in different ways then it passes after sometime . Sometime when we are struggling to rise up again , recover from any illness or handle any difficult situation of our life that time we feel that as if time has stop somewhere for us . We feel this because of our sad emotion otherwise all of us know that time has never stopped for anyone in the universe.  

When all doors of our life get closed at difficult situation that time only one door remains open for us where we can enter by praying to our Lord . Whenever warm sunlight comes in sky  during winter and rainy season , it gives relieve to all of us although sometime we have to wait so much for it during these seasons . Likewise sometime we have to wait so much in our life to get the happiness that we want in our life but my dear readers please don't lose your hope at this moment . Believe in yourself and God . Put sincere efforts from your side each day without worrying so much  to progress in your life then by God's blessings your good time will also come .

Time also teaches us many things about our inner strength and capacity that help us to tackle different situations of our life . We feel bad whenever we see our family, friends or any people are suffering from any problem. But when we experience similar or same problems in our life , we learn more about that situations like how people feel when they face this kind of situations , how they deal with it , how strong and hard working we are etc . So always be kind to others and encourage them whenever it is possible for you . Do not accept something in return always whenever you help somebody . 

All of us have different dreams in our life and to fulfill those dreams you and me have to put some efforts each day . Sometime we have to struggle so much for it when we are doing some mistakes again and again , having so much fear for something , lacking self confidence to do something etc . That time we should have some patience , give sometime to understand what steps we are putting or had put forward  for our dreams is right till where and then we should pray to Lord to provide his guidance and lastly we should start working for our dreams in better and systemic way. Believe me if you follow this sincerely then you will see some positive changes in yourself after sometime and progress in your life . We cannot control everything that is there in our life . But there are many things in our life, in universe to which only you and me can change after some time by knowing what is most important work for us  today then spending most of your time in doing those activities with sincerity and concentration .



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