How to control our emotions?

The way we look at different situations of our life and deal with it determines our emotions in different situations of our life. In other words we can say that  our thoughts and actions are like seeds and our emotions are like crops that are grown in our subconscious mind when we nourish  that seeds well. So when you choose your thoughts in different situations of your life (good or bad situation) , you choose your emotions accordingly . But do we have thoughts regarding all incidents and all people of our life ? Do we care about all incidents and people ? The answer is- no . We often ignore some of them therefore we don't have any emotions for them .

Our outer environment is not same always . Sometime it is like a sweet and sometime it is like a sour lemon. But if we know how to handle our inner environment that is responsible for our emotions . Then initially we might get stuck in trap of our emotions as we all are humans but we will be successful to come out of it as soon as possible , start thinking both logically and positively  about a situation or people and start acting wisely . When we let our emotions   control us   that time it affects our personal  , professional and social life .

So, its high time for all of us to start working on mastering our emotions

Being sensitive is important my readers . Its not bad at all.There is a small difference between being emotional and being sensitive . Being sensitive means along with being aware about your own feelings and emotions , you have a power to understand others feelings and emotions also , power to take care of them and help them whenever you should go ahead for it . On other hand being emotional means giving more importance to your own feelings and emotions only . Always emphasizing this wrong thought that - nobody's problems are bigger than your problems . Always complaining and crying due to your problems .

Whenever you  just look at the situation from your point of view only that time you become so emotional due to which emotional system of your brain starts dominating rational system of your brain so you fail to think about the situation logically and act wisely . Therefore,most of the decisions that you took when you were too emotional are proved as your wrong decisions of your life in future . So how to solve this problem ? Look at the situation from others point of view also .Next time when you feel that you are getting emotional due to someone , pause for some sec and ask yourself a simple question - " Why did the other person said this thing to me ? or What he / she wants from me ? or Why I am having this emotion for particular person or thing ? " . That time you have to use your rational system to get your answer . When you will get the answer , you will understand whether your emotion is right or not and with patience you will also come to know how to control it and deal with it . 

When you feel that you are having any wrong emotion after doing self reflection then share it with someone whom you can trust with heart and who can guide you also . Don't keep it within yourself only for a long time otherwise you won't realize how it will become so strong in your subconscious mind with time and starts affecting your growth and your relationship . Then after getting guidance you will be able to replace your wrong emotions from right emotions . Take deep breath and stay quiet for sometime when you feel that wrong emotions are dominating you and you are not behaving well . Say to yourself in mind loudly - " No this won't help . Stop . I should not think this way . I should understand the situation ...". When you will say these statements to yourself , you will be opposing your negative emotion to grow stronger for example- anger . You can also do some prayers when situation is not in your control , you are feeling so low emotionally and unable to cope up with the situation .

I hope my blog was helpful to you in some ways and you will imply those things in your life from which you totally agree . You can also share your views on this topic with me. Thank you my readers for giving your valuable time and reading my blog.😊


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