All about our experience in 2020

 There is no doubt in saying this that we all had very different  experience this year . We experienced those things this year about which none of us had ever imagine in our dream also.  I can't  say that only bad things happened in our life this year because that is not truth my dear readers. But whatever bad things we experienced this year about which I will be talking in little detail in this article has affected everybody's  life so much. 

Many families lost their loved one in this pandemic. Many families  suffered a lot when any of their family member , relatives or any of their dear people got infected by Covid-19  symptoms.  Many families is  staying  far from those  member of their family who is working as one of covid-19  warrior from a very long time . Before existence of this disease , there wasn't less distance in our relations . In other words I can say that before existence of this disease also many people might had some fights and misunderstandings in their relation but still they were always  ready to look after each other in difficult times because they care for each other. Some people who don't live with their family due to some reason used to go to meet their family during vacations earlier . But due to fear of getting infected during pandemic  we were not able to visit our relatives , family members or any of our dear people who was sick , having mourning in their house  due to someone's death or facing other problems . We just had a choice to pray for them , talk to them in phone and stay wherever we were at that moment. 😢

Before existence of this disease also poverty and unemployment were  two of the big problems from which many people were suffering in this world . But  after existence of this disease and  lockdown took place many times ,  from poor people to rich people everybody started struggling in managing their regular expenditure . Some people are little blessed who got chance to work more hard and cover their loses when lockdown got  over .  My dear readers I am not comparing anyone with anybody in my article but frankly speaking I feel really bad for those people who lose their jobs in this pandemic , have very less money with them and struggling so much in returning their home like we all watched in news few months ago. When lockdown got started initially that time many of us tried to keep ourselves calm and started considering lockdown as an opportunity of giving rest to our body from our busy schedule , giving time to our family and spending time with our hobbies. But as time passed we started getting irritate and tensed most of the time due to all  problems that we faced together in this year unexceptionally. That time we all saw disappointment everywhere due to which sadly we all started questioning to Lord and each other about when our  good days will come back. 

Like  every coin everything that is there in this universe have  2 sides - it's  bright side and dark side . Ups and down , success and failure , enjoyment and struggle etc are part of our life .Every year on  31st December we started recalling all good and bad things that took place with us in particular year , that affected us in some way , that brought any changes in our behavior and thinking , that taught some lessons to us , that brought relieve in our mind and big smile on our and others face and so on . On this day I think you  spend your time more on thinking about  only those things that didn't took place in your life in previous years , what you can learn from it , to whom you should be grateful for helping you and supporting you at that moment , what are the beautiful memories you made in particular year and what progress you made . Don't you ? 

Well can we learn any lesson from all bad things that we faced this years ? If you ask me I will response yes . There are many lessons that we can learn if we think deeply about experience that we had this year. The very important lesson that we all should learn from our experience in 2020 is : " All of us should practice forgiving each other as time waits for nobody in the universe . At this difficult time sadly many people could not meet their dear people who were taking their last breathe and with whom they had some issues earlier . Everybody does mistake in their life but a person who has ability to forgive others every time sooner or later is the one can live peacefully and help others also to progress and live peacefully. " The second lesson that we can learn from it is " All of us should learn to give respect and understand value of our job  , studies and all good things that Lord has gifted us in the form of his blessings . I understand at times we feel very tired after working or studying so much whole day or after dealing with all odds that are there in our job or studies so we don't feel like doing it and start waiting for holidays.  But see my readers we are very fortunate that we have some job or we are getting opportunity to study .So we should be grateful for that to Lord and try our very best to do our job or studies with a positive mindset when we are so tired or feeling very low that time also." The third lesson is - " Household work is not made for all women's only .   Men should also help them in their household work happily . Along with that all teenagers should also understand their responsibilities and come forward to help their mom , sister etc in household work happily without feeling shy . Along with helping them we should give them some time also ". The fourth lesson is that - " If we are positive in nature and never giving up then whatever difficult time that  comes in  our life cannot control our creative mind for a long time . Due to our spirit and persistence we will soon come to know how to make best use of all times that life offers so that we don't regret later on . " 

I hope you will surely imply these lessons in your life  . 😊

Thank you my dear readers for reading my blogs by giving your precious time to me and my blogs , for giving your honest feedback and helping me to progress . 😍 Blogging is one of the good thing that I started from this year itself as you know . I don't do it regularly .But whenever I do it , it gives me new energy , refreshment and pleasure to be able to express and share my valuable thoughts with many people by writing blogs .😊




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