Beginning of college life

When any student enters  college after completing his or her school life that time initially it is not easy job for any student to adjust in a new environment of their college , to get close with new teachers , friends and classmate. All students need some time to get used to this new environment . College life is very different from school life . How we can say that ? The answer is when we all were in school , we all had less responsibilities , we all were less concern about our ambition and purpose of life , some students remain unaware about their ambition and purpose of life when they were in school and we used to get many  things  ready made  due to our teacher's efforts in school . But when you enter in college you can find some changes will take place around you , you will start becoming more  concern about your responsibilities  , ambition and purpose of your life , you will meet new people , learn new things from them , develop your skills and so on. 


  Some students are pretty clear about where they want to see themselves after completing their higher education when they enter the college . So they work hard accordingly . When they become clear about their ambition , then with some efforts and curiosity for learning unknown things they also came to know about  mastering in which subjects , skills and qualities are very necessary to fulfill their ambition . Ambitions of some students may not match with each other but I must say one thing that all students have to struggle in their journey , try continuously ,  believe in their potential , never  compare themselves with others , maintain self discipline , keep learning attitude , take many decisions in this new journey and never   stop working hard no matter which field they choose for themselves. Some students are bit confuse about their goals and ambition  at this point of their life. But good thing is that they too can come out from this confusion state of mind when they will start giving time to know themselves in better way , put some efforts from their side , discuss this matter with their family and ask God to provide them strength to take correct decisions based on their career. After this they will also start putting required efforts to fulfill their ambitions .

My college life has also started from this year only . I am a first year student of Bsc Chemistry(Hons) course in  SRM University Sikkim . None of us ( those students who started studying in college from this year)  thought that our college life will start by attending online classes . All of us were excepting offline classes . But whatever situation we all are facing at present moment due to Covid-19 pandemic for that we should not blame each other. Rather we should take care of ourselves , each other and give courage to each other at this rough time . Anyway although online classes could not defeat  offline classes . But we all should to be very thankful to our respected teachers who firstly learned how to use  new teaching apps ,  how to interact with students in online classes and how to supply different study materials to them . Then they taught their students to use those app , organized online classes according to timetable that is set by them  and they also encouraged us to ask doubts again and again . If they had not shown this courage then all of us would have suffer more than we are suffering at present moment .  

But due to Lord's blessings , our teachers learning attitude , determination and hard work our classes are going on now . Our regular online classes started from 9th November 2020 . And before that we had orientation program and induction program from 3rd November 2020 to 6th November 2020 . The orientation program and induction program was organized by our teachers because they wanted to spread awareness among students about how college studies are different as compare to school studies , rules of university , facilities provided by university etc . They also encourage us and  gave their best wishes before beginning our learning journey . Since no hesitation is there in me now regarding asking doubts and answering in class . So I am interacting freely with my new teachers during  online class. In few days I got close to my respective teachers and one friend ( Pratima) . Mostly everyday I study together with Pratima using phone  during afternoon . Along with that we share many things with each other .

I know along with studying we have to focus in other things also in our college life. All of us have to learn to maintain   balance between  our studies , home responsibilities, hobbies ,our health etc during this journey . I hope all my classmates and other students would have good time in their college , achieve their goals and maintain balance as I mentioned above. Wishing "All the Best"πŸ‘ to all of you . Before concluding my article  one message I would like to give to all my readers - " Always choose to be polite and humble everyone most of the time. Although many of you including me have completed our school life but we should never forget our school teachers and fellow mates who helped us and worked hard for us . We should always respect them and practice showing our  gratitude to them  .  😊"

Thank you my dear readers for giving your precious time and reading my blog .πŸ‘±



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