Life is a learning journey

 Hello  my dear readers ,

I hope all of you are doing well in your life . Today after a long gap I am writing my blog . 😊 It has been almost one month , we have not communicated  with each other . Today I would like to share my views on learning journey with all of you , let's began . I hope it will be useful for you and you will enjoy reading it my dear readers .😊

Learning is a activity that we began right from our babyhood and it should be continued by us till our last breathe . We need to learn different - different things in each phase of our life according to our requirement .  The basic works , good manners and good moral values are firstly taught by our parents to us . Some good moral values and manners we learn from our teachers , family members , our friends , people around us , other good people of our life  and our experience also later on . To enhance our knowledge on particular subject or to gain knowledge about it , at times instead of asking somebody about that subject ,  we prefer books or make use of Google . Continuing  learning is very important in life  for our growth in all dimensions . 

In our life many things are there which are very necessary for all of us to learn such as basic works , good manners , moral values , how to read , how to write , how to do basic  calculation  and so on list goes on . None of us can choose to skip learning these  things in our life . Few things we  need to learn in our life because of different situations of our life that can't be predicated by us at our  present moment . Few things we learn in life according to our interest and it can vary from person to person . Few things we need to learn to become better as a human being and to perform better in your field also . Few things we learn by ourselves seriously  when we start realising   our responsibilities towards ourselves , our family , our work , health and so on . Few things we need to learn to achieve our goals . So you see my dear readers our life is a journey where continuously we are require to keep our learning attitude alive and then move forward  to learn one or the other required thing from heart . When we will stop learning that day our growth will stop there only . 

Once one of my school's  brother Bishal bhai sent me one quotation and it was very truly written there that everyone who are expert at something at present moment was once a beginner . This quotation was really helpful for me to encourage myself and continue my exam preparation in better way with new hope during my past year . So I would say that if you are struggling to master in something at present then you don't have to be disappointed.  In order to learn something and do well in it , you have to keep open mind , try again and again , learn from your mistakes , believe in yourself , obey your teacher ( here our teacher can be anyone who is guiding us and teaching us particular thing ) sincerely , maintain consistency in your efforts and determine to not to give up unless you give your 100 percent in learning that subject, activity or task and then do well in it .

 At times when we find that our subject , activity or whatever we want to learn is  difficult for us ,  at that moment if we get worried , panic and skip learning that thing then it is not going to work . Instead of that at this difficult situation , our first job will be to encourage ourselves and make us believe that we have a capacity within us to make difficult things easy for us . Secondly we have to practice taking care of small - small things and at times we have to go in deep to know about small- small things in bit details in order to improve our basics . Thirdly we have to rise our level gradually and maintain consistency in our efforts and if we need anybody's help in this journey then we should always move forward for it by keeping our shyness and ego aside at that moment . Our determination should be great one in this journey . If you are the one who mostly  suffers from hesitation in talking to others and asking them to  help you  , clarify  your doubts and guide  you then you need to show some courage , challenge yourself and by taking small - small steps you need to start working hard from today only to remove this barrier from your learning journey because this barrier will not only waste your time in your learning journey but it will also not allow you to learn properly and it will also bring your self image down if you don't overcome it soon .

Ups and downs , rising and falling , getting appreciation and getting criticism , performing perfectly and doing mistakes and learning from it   are all part of this learning journey . Along with working hard consistently  it is very important for us to enjoy our learning journey in order to learn properly and able to imply whatever we are learning in life properly .  Our nature can also teach us many moral values if we are willing to learn from it  by keeping mind open and changing our perspective towards our nature little bit by looking at it from different point of view. For example - We can learn punctuality and consistently from sun because sunset and sunrise take place regularly in our nature on time without any delay . We can learn to be strong and keep moving forward continuously in our life by crossing all the hurdles that will come in our way from water flowing in river. Many moral values and things are there in life that  we don't learn properly  in life unless our personal experience teaches us particular moral values and things . 

Before concluding my blog I would like to give one message to all my dear readers that in order to do self reflection upon our learning so that we can imply that thing in life , it is very necessary for all of us to take out some idle time from our busy routine regularly .

Let's keep our thirst of learning alive , keep trying and growing together. πŸ˜‡ Thank you my dear readers for giving your precious time , reading my blog and learning good things together with me . I will be waiting for your valuable response. 



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