Few tips for maintaining peace of mind


Peace , satisfaction and happiness are basic requirements of all species .We cannot purchase it by money always . Whenever our peace of mind is absent  , that time it become difficult for us to come out of trap of disappointment  . At times when our mood is off and peace of mind is absent due to some reason , we mistakenly express our irritation in unnecessary things to others which hurt them emotionally. 

Peaceful and happy mind helps us to concentrate well and perform our task properly and systematically. It also help us to stay calm , alert and become better listener which is equally important as speaking and writing are important for effective communication . It also helps us to take correct decisions of our life and solving problems. It also helps us to know ourselves in better way .  A person whose mind   is always disturbed fails to look at bright side of life and move ahead. 

 You see my dear readers peaceful mind has so many advantages. I listed some of them above that I know. We all know that all of us have to do   perseverance regularly to fulfill our goals  and along with fulfilling our goals it's very important for all of us to take care of our state of mind and help our dear people also in maintaining their state of mind in all ups and downs of life.In today's world due to lack of peace only after achieving lots of things also people are dissatisfied and unhappy from inside most of the time. Today I would like to share 4 simple tips with all of you that will help us to maintain our peace of mind in all situations of our life if we practice it in our life sincerely.

1. Practice gratitude 

There is one or the other thing missing in everybody's life and everyone has their own struggle in life. But Lord has blessed us with many beautiful things along with providing us courage and guiding us in rough situations of our life which we take for granted most of the time . Even when I look at present situation of world , I can say without doubt that situation is not good around the world and all of us are waiting for better tomorrow together with hope in our heart. That's OK .

But if we always focus on those things that we cannot control or we don't have in our life then we cannot live peacefully at present moment and we will hurt our dear people also by our bad behaviour. So my dear readers let's make expressing gratitude on regular basis ( to Lord and our dear people  ) our habit. Whenever you find yourself emphasizing on those things so much that you don't have at present moment ,try to change your focus immediately towards all small and big things that you have at present moment by God's blessings ( for example - good home  to live , good food to eat , good people in your life etc) , be grateful for it  and continue your work peacefully. Don't lose your hope.

2. Promote honesty in your life

When we lie to anyone , that time we need to say thousands of lie to that person to hide the truth . All of us know by our experience that we are always afraid and we lose our peace of mind totally when we are taking help of lie or any unfair activity due to some reason . 
So instead of telling lie most of the time to others and  ourselves , let's practice honesty in our life.  It will help in creating trust between us and our dear people and it will also give us peace at the same time .  Let's try our best to fulfill all promises that we have done to others and ourselves. Let's make sure that we don't reveal anyone's secret or hurt anyone while practicing honesty in life because you know that this type of act will just bring conflict in relationship , it won't  give us peace.

3. Live in present 

Some human beings spend their most of the time in remembering their bad memory of past or taking so much tension by thinking so much about future at present moment. My dear readers this activity is also responsible in disturbing our mind and removing our peace of mind.
So I would say let's stop being sad for mistakes we did in past . Instead of that lets focus on our present moment and make best use of it . This present moment is only in our hand . How well we use it will definitely decide our future but we don't have answers of all questions related to our future at present. It's ok.  Let's not worry so much about it and always try to give our 100 percent in everything we do.

4. Never leave your goodness 

My dear readers as we all know that humanity is also decreasing so much in this world this days due to which it has become very difficult to find peace in today's world . So let's make sure that we don't hurt anyone intentionally . Always  try to do good things for others from ourside selflessly . Practice forgiveness as well and come forward to help needy one because of our humanity.

 So  for now I am stopping here. I hope my blog is useful to you. May Lord provides peace in everyone's life .😊🙏
Thank you for giving your precious time and reading my blog 😊 I would be eagerly waiting for your valuable response.



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