
Hello my dear readers , 

I hope all of you are well . I would like to share my opinion and learning about overthinking and give you some practical solutions to deal with this issue through this blog today . I hope it will be useful to everyone.


Overthinking is a common problem that is face by all of us for one or the other issues  that are there in our life. Whenever we face this issue that time  we  can feel heaviness inside our mind because so many thoughts  keep on coming turn by turn in our mind  without any break whenever we are overthinking about particular matter .   It makes the situation more worse than it actually is. It does not allow us to look at ray of hope and correct step that we have to take for our welfare.


Some  causes of overthinking that I have learn and I know so far  are as follows -

1) Not living in present moment . Giving more importance to our past and future moment that is not in our hand.

2 )Being jealous from others life .

3) Comparing yourself with others. 

4) Always daydreaming about long term goals . Not focusing on short term targets that will take you near to long term goal one day if they  are  fulfilled properly today by our sincere efforts.

5)  Getting influenced by others words , behaviour and action very easily and spending more time upon thinking about it.

6) Following other's opinion forcefully or blindly even when you are not convinced with their opinion.  

7)Staying so much idle .

8) Keeping all your worries and fears within yourself. Never sharing it with anybody. 

9) Always focusing on all those things that you don't have at present moment and promoting " expressing complain in each and everything " atitude which is very bad and harmful for us.


Overthinking effects many aspects of our life. Some of them are as follows - 

1) Our health

2) Not allow us to sleep well.

3) Act as a barrier in our concentration towards our work and studies. As a result we fail to give our best.

4) Creates misunderstanding in many relations . 

5) Peace of mind and happiness

6) Act as a barrier in decision taking process. 

7) Does not allow us to deal with rejection , failure and other difficult situations of our life properly.

8) Our mood

Practical solutions to deal with this issue

Some solutions that will help you to deal with this issue properly are as follows -

1) Do not compare yourself with others.

2) Share your worries and fears with your dear people who understands you and will guide you instead of keeping it within yourself and fighting alone inside your mind.

3) If you cannot share your thoughts , write it down in diary. You will feel better. 

4) Take help of meditation and prayer.

5) Try to look at situation that makes you sad from another angle. 

6) Think about people who are less fortunate than you , you will find your problem smaller. 

7) If other people are reason behind your overthinking then do these things - 

  • If other people are right then follow them.
  • If they are wrong but they mean to you , talk them and make them understand it .
  • If still they don't understand then you need to ignore it at times because it is not possible for us to give prove to everybody.
8) Focus on your present and how you can use it properly. 

9) Don't just look at negative qualities of people , it leads to overthinking and problems in relations . Accept others and make relations with others by emphasising on their positive qualities and helping them to improve negative qualities.

10) If someone condition has become too worse due to overthinking then they can consult counselor or doctor in this case . I don't want to hurt anybody when I say this.

11) Change your approach of doing certain things or try new things.

12) Forgive yourself and others .

I am stopping for now. I hope these solutions will be helpful to all of you.  Take care my dear readers. 😊 Let's try our best to stay optimistic and spread it around.🌺 Thank you for giving your precious time and reading my blog.😊 I will be waiting for your honest feedback.😊🌷



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