Home's atmosphere

 Hello my dear readers ,

How all of you are doing in your life ? I hope everything is going well with your sincere efforts and God's blessings . I am back with my thoughts and leanings today . Today I would like to talk about home's atmosphere ( in general ) , it's role in our growth in all dimensions , how we can deal with minus point of our home's atmosphere  and some lessons that I have  learn from my home's atmosphere with you my dear readers . 😊So let's began -

A home is a place which not only protects us from wind , rain , storm and sunlight but it also provides comfort to our body and peace to our mind when we enter in it after dealing with all challenges and opportunities of particular day . No matter how many beautiful places we visit or how many days we stay with our friends or relatives in their home , we will always find more comfort , peace and happiness after returning to our own home and own family only although we will get emotional for sometime while leaving from those beautiful place or other's home where we had created countless memories and have so much emotional attachment with those people who live there . It's natural . 

Few situations , blessings , problems  and needs are common in  everybody's house  . On other hand  some difference is also there along with similarities  in everybody's house atmosphere  . Nobody's home atmosphere is perfect . Our  home's atmosphere has big role in our nourishment and growth in all dimensions . It also play a great role in setting our purpose of life which vary from person to person .  Some people who have financial issues in their family , they spent their money in small - small things also after thinking thrice about it after becoming mature . Some people get chance to live in joint family for long time in their life and some people lack this thing due to some situations of their family . Accordingly their growth takes place and life goes on . 

When we were kid and we lacked maturity ,that time  whenever we didn't got those things whatever we had  asked for or wished for, we used to complain a lot to our family members and refuse to understand our home's atmosphere and family problems well  . It was acceptable that time . But at  present moment where all of us have grown up , it won't look good at all if we show same behavior and thinking regarding our home's atmosphere that we used to have in childhood . We will hurt ourselves and our family members in this case . It will also show negative effect towards our growth , health , peace of mind and concentration level . 

So how can we deal with our family problems in better way ? Let me clarify your doubt by sharing my opinion about it . It's okay to be sad and cry for whatever is lacking in your home's atmosphere at times because at some moment of life strong people also become emotional , feel helpless and tired from inside . It's natural . But none of us can afford to stay in trap of disappointment and sadness for long time and everyday in life . So we need to try to keep ourselves calm in this situations firstly then only we will be able to think correctly about our family problems . Then we need to try to look at that situation from another angle and ask ourselves whether that situation is in our hand or not . If you get yes ( answer) then start working hard from today sincerely in correct manner so that it gets disappear from your home's atmosphere one day or situation becomes at least little better in future than it is at present moment . If you get no ( answer ) then consider that problem as a God's will , believe in him , look at it positively and encourage your family members whenever they become emotionally weak because of it . My dear readers please don't compare  with other's home atmosphere . It will make situation more worse . Who knows many people who are stranger to you might be having much bigger problems than your problems however still they are trying their best to stay strong and move ahead in their life ?

With my experience I can say without any doubt that it will take lot of patience , desire to be serious for self improvement , sincere efforts , elder's guidance and time to adjust ourselves in our home's atmosphere , make it better and lastly staying satisfied most of the time  with whatever blessings Lord has gifted you and your family . But my dear readers if you really want to improve your life and become strength of  your family members then as you grow up then you need to start showing some maturity as time pass and corporate your family members . 

Few lessons that I have learn from my home's atmosphere -

1) When we start showing some maturity towards our home's atmosphere , it shows positive effect in improving our relationship with our family members .

2)As time passes , it's important for us to try to keep ourselves positive most of the time , understand our home responsibilities and  focus on  fulfilling it instead of worrying too much about family problems . As a result peaceful and happy atmosphere will be maintained in our home . It will also prepare us for challenges that we will face in future in life .

3) Happiness of our home's atmosphere we can share with many people infinite no of times . But we cannot share our problems and complain about it same no of times . At the end after discussing about it with few well wishers , we need to stay strong and try to solve it ourselves .

4) Counting our blessings and expressing gratitude is very important. 

5) We should never consider whatever is lacking in our home's atmosphere as our weakness because it is not so . Instead of that we can think about it in this way - " God might have planned better thing for us and our family . " 

6) Everyone does not everything in their home's atmosphere , life is all about that . So we need to learn to appreciate plus point of our home's atmosphere and adopt satisfy attitude towards it as soon as possible .

So I would like to stop my pen here . I hope it was useful for all of you in some ways . It is a sensitive topic so my blog became so lengthy this time . I will be eagerly waiting for your honest feedback .

Best wishes 


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