Personal Freedom

 Hello my dear readers ,

How all of you are doing in your life ? I hope everything is going well in  your life due to your sincere efforts and God's blessings . Today I would like to share my thoughts about Personal Freedom through this blog .

Having personal freedom means that our actions and words are not  always restricted due to some external factor such as other's opinion , self limiting beliefs , response of different organs of our body etc. .  It allow us to be ourselves , make choices on our basis and act based on our convenience , welfare and interest . It also give us chance to explore new activities freely ,learn from our mistakes ,gain confidence , become independent & become better version of ourselves . So presence of personal freedom is very important in our life . 

However like every coin . personal freedom also has 2 sides . Personal freedom without maturity , responsibility and knowledge always gives invitation to problems for ourselves as well as others . So being a grown up person we should know how to use our freedom in correct way . We should not  forget to maintain discipline  and share about big decisions of our life with concerned people due to freedom given by our dear people . By my experience and observation I can say that along with presence of freedom in our life . presence of some rules and strict atmosphere around us also plays a important role in shaping our character . Due to these rules only we  are suppose to take each step carefully  otherwise our freedom will be snatched due to our misbehave and our growth will also be affected .

Some ways to achieve personal freedom are as follows - 

1) Stop waiting for perfect time to start working for your goals . Instead of that  start working for goals from today with  one step at a time . 

2) Don't let your fear and other negative emotions own you . If you will allow it to own you then it won't allow you to grow well and improve .

3) Set goals , daily target and ambition according to your passions , capacity , true desire and hobbies . It should not be based on other's opinion , their capacity and interest .

4) Respect everyone's point of view , listen to it calmly and also don't forget to keep your point of view in front of others before making final decision .

5) Deal with your self doubt properly . Try to suppress it by your learning attitude and consistent perseverance . 

6) Getting inspire from others and learning good habits from them is ok and acceptable because all of us have some role models in our life . But forgetting about your identity and uniqueness completely lead to loss of personal freedom and improper growth .

So I would like to stop my pen here now . I hope these tips and my thoughts will be helpful to you in some ways .

Thank you for your time my dear readers .I will be waiting for your response .


  1. Very organised thoughts. Excellent, keep it up. Govind


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