Self motivation

Self motivation is  an important  skill that all of us should practice so no circumstances can stop us to achieve our goals  and lead happy life . Our family, friends and well wishers are always there with us emotionally and they try their best to motivate us when we feel low about  ourselves due to some problem that life offers . But my dear readers if we don't put any effort from our side to change our thoughts , our habits and our actions then for how long they will be able to guide us and push us .Reflect upon this thought once .The inspiration that we get from others is like a fire that burns for a long time at time and encourage us to move forward in our life to achieve what we want on other hand sometime it stops burning just after some seconds, minutes, hours or days when we don't reflect upon it deeply and we are not even trying to imply it in our life whatever touched our heart .

On other hand the motivation that comes from our mind  to start any work due to positive thoughts that we feed in our mind each day has more power than inspiration that we get from our dear people . So my dear readers today I would like to share few things with you that will give some ideas to you so you can motivate yourself whenever you feel low about yourself.

Value  your time . Most of us think that we have so much time in our life to learn new skills and work hard for our dreams so we start procrastinating so much , lose our motivation and start wasting our time . By saying this I don't want to hurt any of my readers . I just want to say you that since none of us know how our tomorrow will be so no matter whatever conditions you and me are facing in present let us be optimistic and utilize our time in best way by understanding its value . Taking small  breaks each day to relax your mind and body is good practice but you should know what are  goals of your life that you want to achieve anyhow. So make a list of your short term and long term goals whatever it is and keep it in that place of your house where you can have a look to it daily . Whenever you will look to it you will get alert , motivated and encourage yourself to put efforts for it . At times you start overthinking about problems that are there in your way or that will come to your life and start doubting yourself that time remind yourself about your good qualities and do positive self talk accordingly . You can use this type of statements while doing self talk - " I am hardworking and determining . I will try my best to deal with these problems  correctly because God is giving me so much courage . I am working for my self improvement so I will achieve my goals . Yes I can . " etc . 

When you wake up at the morning remind yourself about all big and small targets that you have to achieve that day by keeping quiet and doing introspection at least for five minutes . Make a good plan for your day so at the end of the day you feel that you were able to utilize your time well by working consistently for your goals . Appreciate yourself when you fulfill any target no matter how small or big it is . Stay focused towards your goals and possibilities . Remind yourself about your achievements and persistence.  Sometime visualize your dreams have already come true and how you are feeling . Believe in yourself that you will surely turn it into reality . Know more about your surroundings and other things such as books , videos , movies , blogs etc that is motivating you and then take their help . Also stay far from those people and things that affect you negatively . Pray to God to help you in changing your thoughts about yourself and your life ,  believe in it and put efforts from your side then you will surely get positive outcome ,  Know about your bad habits and change it . Practice to control your emotions according to situations . Help others selflessly  whenever you get chance , this will give you happiness and it will also help you to think good thing about yourself . Spent sometime with your hobby .


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