Are we using our time in best way?

Time management is an important skill that all of us should master to become successful and happy in our life. In order to utilize your time in best way firstly you should make sure that each day you should have some targets that is pretty clear to you and will take you near your long term goals as no one in the universe have ever touch the great height of success  by just working hard at the last moment.  If you don't set some targets at the morning and determined to work for it then you may waste your precious time in giving so much time to social media , sleeping , roaming around or any other things that is harmful for you  . As a result you and I fail to fulfill our expectations.Perfection and improvement in any subject or any activity always comes by consistent practice that should be done by us by maintaining self discipline . 

There are many things in this world that will try  to  take our attention when we are working for our goals . We call it ' distractions' . They are very dangerous but then you and me should know how to manage it . In order to be able to manage our distraction in best way we should have a clear idea about which work is more important for us and  which work is least important for us . Then we should promise ourselves that we will not get involve in other activity when we will sit to do 'more important task'. I know promising to yourself to not to get disturbed   for certain amount of time is very simple but fulfilling this commitment seems difficult for you and me . So what can we do ? The answer is whenever you feel you are getting distracted and not doing justice to your targets that time remind yourself about importance of your goals  for which you had promised to work hard and regret that you would have in future if you fail to give your best at the present moment. By reminding yourself about these two things immediately when you are getting distracted , your mind will get alert and you will be able to focus again in a better way . Then when you are done with that task you may need a break to charge your body and mind . It's alright, taking breaks are important for us but make sure you don't forget to come back and start working for your next target that you had set at morning. 

If we are so serious about improving our time management skills then we should make sure that we start working to change our sleep pattern also. You might be wondering that how I can relate our sleep pattern and time management skills .  This is the answer- " All of us get 24 hours in a day. No one gets extra hours in their day. In this 24 hour we require minimum 6 to 7 hours sleep  to remain healthy . We know about it but still many times we exceed our sleeping hours just because of laziness due to which we do not get chance to utilize some hours of our day and we don't feel so energetic throughout our day this way. " I too have done this mistakes but better late than never , let's work hard together to improve our time management skills and sleep pattern .   Know more about your goals , strength, weakness ,what you feel about yourself at present moment etc. It will help you to know that how you should utilize your time in best way that will give satisfaction to you at the end of the day , some tiredness at the end of the day that you would tolerate happily as you care for your goals and at the last after some period of time you will touch the height of success .If you want you can also keep one diary with you where you would write something about yourself each day ( your strength, your weakness, your interest, your fear etc) . It may not be useful for you initially but when you will struggle to decide your ambitions or set goals and targets that time this diary would be helpful to you as it has information about you . In short I want to say whatever you do, you have to motivate yourself and make sure that you are using your time in best way , are you ? 

If you have some better ideas to improve time management skills then please share it with me. 
Thank you for giving your valuable time and reading this blog . 😊
I hope you would try to use my ideas for improving time management skills in your life .


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