How to control our emotions?

The way we look at different situations of our life and deal with it determines our emotions in different situations of our life. In other words we can say that our thoughts and actions are like seeds and our emotions are like crops that are grown in our subconscious mind when we nourish that seeds well. So when you choose your thoughts in different situations of your life (good or bad situation) , you choose your emotions accordingly . But do we have thoughts regarding all incidents and all people of our life ? Do we care about all incidents and people ? The answer is- no . We often ignore some of them therefore we don't have any emotions for them . Our outer environment is not same always . Sometime it is like a sweet and sometime it is like a sour lemon. But if we know how to handle our inner environment that is responsible for our emotions . Then initially we might get stuck in trap of our emotions as we all are humans but we will be successful to come out of it as soon ...