How to control your mind ?

Our mind is very powerful tool . The thoughts that we feed in  our mind controls our feelings , emotions and actions . Your mind can be either your true friend who guides you , helps you to maintain discipline , helps you to take correct decisions, helps you to focus and encourages you by setting this belief in you that you can achieve particular goal that you really want from heart . Or your mind can be your enemy who  does not allow you to focus at your goal , always ask you to go behind those things that has no  relation with your goals , does not allow you to try again in better way due to fear and when you  don't have any control on your mind , at times for  some days  , weeks or months you don't even realize that whether whatever activities that you are doing regularly are harmful for you or useful for you in some ways. Due to this reason only all of us fail to use our time properly sometime.

Your mind will act like your true friend or enemy , this thing depends upon the thoughts that are feeding in your mind right from your childhood till today .See all of us think more than thousands thoughts in our day.From that thoughts many thoughts are negative.  From where this negative thoughts  are actually originated in our mind? There are many sources by which negative thoughts are originated in our mind .For example - Self criticising voice , improper child's upbringing , negative beliefs  set by society for particular person , his/ her any bad and unforgettable past experience etc. My dear readers have  you notice sometime thoughts that are there in our conscious mind is very contrary to  our emotions that are rooted deep inside our subconscious mind ? Why this thing happens ? The answer is - Many negative emotions such as lack of confidence , not crossing your limit , not looking good , being so shy and less talkative since childhood etc are deep rooted inside our subconscious mind by different sources as I mentioned above . We don't even realize that how stronger this negative emotions becomes inside our subconscious mind when some experience of our life repeats again and again in our life like loop works in a program. 

Due to this reason only our mind does not become ready to accept "contrary thoughts" of  conscious mind immediately and as a result we are not able give our 100 percent to achieve something different at future or present that we haven't achieved ever in our past due to our beliefs . So what is the solution of this problem? To change the negative emotions of your subconscious mind you have to reprogram your mind by doing lots of imagination and positive self talk . You have to do positive self talk in assertive manner . Assertive manner means you have to do positive self talk with yourself by keeping in mind that you are actually putting some required efforts to achieve your goals from present moment  only. 

For example - There is a student who has always scored  less than 75 percent in her exams  .So this belief is rooted inside her subconscious mind that she cannot cross this level in her exam. This year she wants to score more than 85 percent . No doubt to achieve this goal she has to work more hard than she used to do in her previous classes . But only hard work is not enough to achieve our goal . Our mindset should also be corrected by us in this journey . So  to correct her mindset she has to visualize her goal  many times , set daily targets , encourage her whenever negative emotions dominate her and when she will start achieving her daily targets and start repeating this statement confidently again and again in her conscious mind that " See I am able to achieve my daily targets . I am trying hard and maintaing self discipline. I am understanding my subjects so I will surely achieve my goal. Yes , it is possible for me " then this thought will become  stronger and now negative emotions will no more have any control over her efforts , concentration level and herself . Instead of that her subconscious mind is now ready to accept those contrary thoughts of her conscious mind and by putting lots of efforts fortunately she is the master of her mind now. πŸ˜‹

So it is possible for us to control our mind if we have will for it and we are ready to put efforts consistently  so that we can make our thoughts, beliefs and desire of conscious mind stronger and our subconscious mind also start believing in it and allow us to take our decisions and actions accordingly. We should make sure that we take care of our body also for this purpose because  healthy mind is found in healthy body . We have to regulate our senses regularly. In other words we should take care that what kind of foods we are eating , activities we are engaged in , people we are in contact , books we read , TV shows we watch etc because if we don't give wrong input to our mind and we are very aware about our input then we will be able to focus on our work , we won't be doing wrong things , we will be controlling our mind and achieving  good outcomes. Being sensitive is important but when our emotions are controlling our actions then situation become worse . So it's important for us to control our emotions also . I  will talk  about how to control emotions in my next blog . Stay tuned . 😊

I hope my blog was helpful to you in some ways . Thank you my dear readers for giving your valuable time and reading my blog. 


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