Be good and true to yourself

 Don't you think that you are so special ? Don't you deserve that attention , that time , that care , that trust from you that you have always  given to people around you only ? 

My dear readers you deserve love , respect , care , to be understood and to be trusted not only by people around you but also by very special person i.e you . A person who does not love , respect and trust himself or herself could not expect others to give love ,   respect and faith to him or her .  You will meet many people in your life . Some of them will   have bad thoughts about you where as some people will have good thoughts about you in their mind . Accordingly people will treat you . But I believe that what you think about yourself and how you behave with yourself matters a lot than what your dear people and other people do to you . Do you agree with me ?

Practicing self love doesn't mean that you start behaving like selfish person who is always hated by Lord and all human beings . My dear readers all of  us have some expectations from Lord, some expectations from ourselves as well as others . When we are able to fulfill our expectations and everything is going well in our life that time practicing self love is not a big deal for us . But my dear readers everyday is not like a sunshine , some days are like a heavy thunderstorm also  life is all about that . At days when someone insult us or we are getting irritated in small- small and unnecessary things or we are getting distracted again and again or doing something that is making us feel miserable and that we never expected at least from ourselves ,that time  practicing self love seems to be difficult .

Practicing self love means always believing in yourself , maintaing self discipline , having capacity to forgive yourself , giving chance to yourself to improve and  giving sometime daily  to yourself and talking to yourself in silence and trying to understand yourself . We should  practice self love to rectify our limiting beliefs that are not letting us to become that person we have always desire for . Our limiting beliefs , habit of keeping  ourselves in motion continuously and having this wrong concept in mind that 'I know everything about myself .'or ' I am like this only . I can't change at all ' are responsible for not letting us to live happy ,peaceful life and to progress in life in right direction.

Now let me discuss  tips that will help you in practicing self love  my dear readers πŸ‘ - 
1. Say to yourself each day confidently - " I like myself . I am good person and since I am working for my self improvement regularly so I can improve . Yes it is possible ."
2. Take good care of your health .Drink plenty of water and do meditation regularly.
3. Take out time to talk with yourself in silence and understand yourself and your mind at both good and difficult time of your life.
4. While doing any activity if you feel that"  This is wrong thing or this is unfair , I should not do it at any cost  " then please stop there. Don't cheat yourself by doing that unfair activity and ignoring the voice of your heart which always guides you , motivates you and is audible to you only. 
5. Maintain balance between your work , study and activities that you do for refreshment . Trying to complete your daily targets is good habit which I personally try to follow but when you completely forget about getting recharge that time you lose enthusiasm in your work or study.
6. Stop comparing with others . Compare yourself with you only . Your main competition should be with you .
7. Appreciate yourself for your  good work . At times you need to be strict with yourself when you come to know that you are not at right track . Along with that learning to forgiving and trusting yourself once again is also important.
8. Make yourself emotionally strong so that you can easily deal with all problems that are going inside your mind , your body and that are present in your life .

I hope I didn't bore you . Since now a days people are facing so much problem because most of us are just busy in impressing others and not showing concern to ourselves .So , to spread awareness among people I wrote on this topic today . I urge all of you to please be  patient , good and honest to yourself .

                                                                  Thank you 


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