Teenage life

 Our teenage life begins when we become 13 years old and it ends when we become 22 years old. Many of you  had already pass through this phase of your life and rest of you including me are still a  teenager. 😊 Like every coin has its two side . Similarly teenage life also has its bright side and dark side.

Teenage life is a happy medium between childhood and adulthood . When we are teenager we get chance to try different - different things each day as much as we can. Its not necessary that we will always get success or be comfortable in everything that we are trying in our teenage life but all these drawbacks through which all of us will pass will help us to know exactly who we are and what is good  for us . The best thing of the teenage life that I personally like is that if we are not satisfied with the way we have been behaving , living or  working at this phase of our life then we can start all over again   if we have courage to rise up again and improve our mistakes . But it is really difficult and sometime it is not possible to start your journey from starting point when you become adult because at adulthood you will be  having more responsibilities  on your shoulders as compared to your teens . Along with some drawbacks which I will be  discussing below ,teenage life is filled with full of excitement . Like me you  also might had experienced many things for the first time in your teenage life such as learning to cook basic things from your mom , going far from home alone  , joining social media , starting  blogging or starting spending time in any new activity that is related to your hobbies etc . 

When we become teenager we observe many awkward changes in our body . We observe surprising  changes in our thinking , emotions and actions . The big problem of most of the teens  is that  they lack patient . When anything that is against them  occurs in their life , many teens  lose hope and some teens try to harm themselves when they don't get instant solution to solve their problem .  At times they get irritate in small - small and unnecessary things and as a result  they  hurt themselves , their elders and younger one . Most of us  face fear of acceptance from others at this phase. Most teens are more concern about what others think about them  . Due to this concern only sometime they ignore their heart's voice ( which guides them) deliberately and perform those things that they have never excepted from themselves .

 Some teens suffer from depression and anxiety due to loneliness , not being able to cope up with their workload , exam pressure or any other reason . Some people lack maturity so much at this phase of their life on other hand some people   start showing maturity  from very early age starting from  this phase of life  due to their home's  atmosphere, responsibilities and problems . Some people start practicing wrong habits such as smoking , consuming alcohol , staying out late night most of the time , not controlling their anger , not giving any importance to their studies etc from their teenage life because of  improper guidance  , having bad company or any other reason  . Some people become victim of ragging , bullying and mistreating in their teenage life . At this age only at times we feel that our friends understand us in better way as compare to our parents and teachers.

So in short I can say that all of us have struggle in our teenage life in one or the other way while growing . Our journey wasn't easy at all  but don't be dissapointed my dear readers because someone has correctly said that -"Difficult roads lead to beautiful destination in future ." But let's not take it in wrong way . This statement does not mean that we will definitely get success if we choose any path of life without having proper knowledge about it  and without having any confident for it . The correct meaning of this statement is that in correct path of our life also at times small and at times big hurdles will come , if we do not give up at that moment , try to learn something from all difficult times that we will face and cross these hurdles strongly and wisely then our future will be bright one . 😊 At this teenage some of us just expect from others that they should   understand our feelings and emotions but since we cannot clap from one hand so we also have to make equal effort from our side to understand others in better way so that we can get rid of these bad habit ( getting irritate fast and expressing anger ) as soon as possible and it will also be helpful in improving every relation . The way we are spending our most of the time and  our seriousness for self improvement in teenage period are some factors that will decide our future. 👍

Thank you my readers for giving your valuable time  and reading my blog. 💮

I would wait for your valuable views . Take care .😇



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