Convert your weakness into your strength

Everyone of us have some strength as well as some weakness . We should not make wrong use of our strength otherwise our biggest strength will become our biggest weakness. What do I mean by that ? Let me clarify your doubt by giving two examples through which you  can relate . ( Please don't take it in negative way )

1) Suppose there is a person  who is financially strong then it's good for him because in this case he or she can purchase all materialistic things easily that he or she requires without thinking too much about budget. But if  he or she looks at middle class and poor people always from negative point of view and he or she always disrespect them  just because they are rich in money .He or she keeps that  misconception that by giving money to others , he or she can ask them to do any work ( it can be good or bad work ) then my dear readers in this case his or her strength looks like his or her biggest weakness to me . 

2) Our parents are our well wishers . They  are always there to encourage us , guide us and support us in our journey .So we can say that our parents are our biggest strength . But if we become so much depend on them due to the support that they are always giving to us then we will be unable to progress in our self improvement journey and we will also fail to fly high and to  reach our desired destination of life. So , if any child is depended  upon their parents in some ways then it's natural and it's okay also . But when any child is too much depended upon them then it becomes child's biggest weakness .

Instead of using your strength in wrong way , strive to become much more better in those things in which you are really good at by not stopping practicing it , not boosting about it  and by  helping , guiding and teaching same things to others due to which three things will happen simultaneously . When you will teach someone that time others will get benefit from your teaching , you will   get more confidence in your strength and improvement in your skill will also takes place .  Give respect to everybody . Do not make fun of anybody's skill . 

Now let me explain you that how can you deal with your weakness and my views on our weakness . If we are  weak in any subject or we are not good at particular activity but we have a true desire to progress in it  then in order to convert this weakness into strength we need to  use these tools in our life :
1) Self confidence
2) Practice well by maintaing consistency in it .
3) Persistence 
4) Someone guidance and good resources .
6) Self discipline 
7) Give extra time to it .

But my dear readers we also have those weakness within us which can be overcome by us till certain extent only but we can't get rid of it completely . About which weakness am I referring here , any guess ? 
The answer is - Our negative emotions such as anger , sadness , jealously  etc . If we try then we can have control over our anger and stop being irritate or angry in unnecessary and small - small things. No matter how hard we try , we can't get rid of it . Why ? Because there is no person in the universe who never gets angry .Convert your jealously into competitiveness . Don't let your fear hold you back . I want to say that if your fear is holding you back to do wrong things in life then your fear is your strength but if it is not allowing you to struggle in life , leave your comfort zone and touch the sky then your fear is your weakness and there is no doubt in it . Actually if we learn to control our emotion and we also learn to use it in right way  then our emotions will become our strength automatically . It will no longer remain our weakness . My dear readers due to this emotions also we are able to make bond with each other . It is a blessing of Lord . If there was no emotions in human being then all human beings would behave like criminals only . 

It's okay to not share your strength and weakness with everybody who knows you . But it's not okay my dear readers to be unaware about your own strength and weakness . Being aware about it and accepting yourself with it is very important to become successful in life . Whenever you notice that you are not good at something  ,that time  it hits you hard initially at times . Same thing happens with me as well . But now I realize that by  sitting sadly and thinking about it in negative way is not going to work . Firstly I need to accept my weakness and then determine to work on it by keeping faith in my efforts then only I will be able to convert my weakness into my strength one day . You are also suppose to do same thing to overcome your weakness. 

Don't think negative thoughts about yourself just because you are not good at some activities that others can do very easily and smartly . Understand value of your uniqueness . Appreciate yourself because you are great and you know very well that which thing is so precious and good in you that you should never change , in which thing you need improvement and which thing you need to remove to become better "you" not somebody else . Give time to yourself to know about your weakness and strength in better way and consistently work for both of them as you cannot complete this work in one night . No one can do that . Only those people successfully convert their weakness into strength who keeps learning attitude , keeps practicing and never give up . 😊

All the best my dear readers . May God bless you and helps you in this journey . Let's work hard together to know ourselves in better way and convert our weakness into our greatest strength .👍

Thank you my dear readers for reading my blog and helping me to improve . 😊 Take care .


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