Overcome your laziness


Laziness is a feeling of regularly repeatedly procrastinating and  showing unwillingness to spend our energy on completing any important work or starting something new that is important for us to bring positive change in our life . Laziness decreases our enthusiasm and  consistency in our work whenever we feel it . If we don't do anything to overcome our laziness and enhance our productivity by taking small small steps from today itself then it  will surely hamper our growth in all dimensions due to which it will become very difficult for us to fulfill our responsibilities and dreams  .
So today I would like to share some tips which will be helpful for all of you in overcoming your laziness and  becoming better you .

1. Identify the  cause of your laziness 

The first step towards solving any problem is to know about cause of that problem so that we can easily get right direction to solve that problem . When you want to overcome any of your habit such as laziness then  you have to follow this tip only firstly . I am going to list some causes of laziness that I know . I would like to suggest you to kindly do self reflection after going through my list and ask yourself this simple question i.e ''What are the cause of your laziness ?".
Some causes of laziness are lack of interest in your work , fatigue ( absence of physical energy due to which you get tired very early ) , regret , not believing that you can improve , apathy ( I don't care ...attitude ), lack of clarity about your priorities and goals , unawareness about importance of your work and problem with self discipline . 

2. Make proper to - do list daily and try your best to follow it

By'  proper to- do list ' I mean to say that you should write that targets only in your to- do list which are realistic , clear and achievable one for you . You must make it by being loyal to yourself . In other words I can say that you should make sure that you do not end up assigning yourself too much tasks for one day by neglecting    your capacity while writing your targets in it which will reduce your self motivation and confidence for sure . Also make sure that you mention sometime for breaks also so that you don't lose your focus and enthusiasm in your works . After you have successfully completed your task , don't forget to tick that task in  your ' to- do list ' , appreciate yourself and reward yourself  . Make sure that you prepare it for next day before you sleep . I tried this thing for my welfare and I realized that this habit is very useful in overcoming our laziness in getting up early and keeping ourselves productive from beginning of the day itself .

3. Know the importance of your work

My dear readers when we don't know about importance of our work that time it becomes very easy for us to not show consistency in our work , start procrastinating our work and not use our time wisely . So make sure that you are clear about your long terms and short terms goals . When you will be clear about your goals then that time you need to think about the actions that you need to take on regular basis to achieve that goal . Now lastly  ask yourself these two questions to know the importance of your work - 
1) If I take those actions for my goals regularly in systematic way then what benefit will I get ?
2) If I don't take those actions then how it will hamper my progress ?
Reminding yourself about importance of your work and developing your interest in that work are also very helpful tips that you can use to overcome your laziness .

4. Encourage yourself continuously in this journey 

Whenever you want to overcome any of your negative quality or remove any of your bad habit that time self confidence plays very important role in it . 
All of us know that all days of our life are not same .At times you might  do any mistake or due to some unpredictable situations you might fail to complete your all task  so please forgive yourself . Don't promote self pity and self criticism at this moment . Its better to promote self encouragement at this moment and say to yourself with confidence that - 
" Don't worry ! I have realized my mistake  and learned from it . So I won't repeat it and I can surely improve. Yes it is possible . I believe in persistence ."
" Today's situation was unpredictable , I got busy in some other work because of that situation  but anyway I tried my best to at least complete some of my task . Tomorrow day will be better . I will try in better way and I can surely improve . Yes , it is possible ". 

So let's use these simple tips for our welfare , try our best to overcome our laziness and fulfill our responsibilities and dreams together. 😊 Best wishes to all of you for your self improvement journey .😇 Take care . 

Thank you my dear readers for giving your precious time and learning good things with me together by reading my blog . I would wait for your valuable response . 😊😊





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