My viewpoints on online learning


Hello my dear readers ,

I hope all of you are doing great in life . 😊 After a long gap today I got time to share my thoughts about one topic with all of you  through my blog . So let's begin -

 Students who could not travel regularly to attend their classes due to some reason had no option except enrolling in distance learning before existence of this pandemic also . That time we could not even imagine how they were working and where they were facing difficulties during distance learning  because we had not experienced it . My dear readers none of us had imagine this thing in past in our dream also that in coming days we all need to learn to adapt ourselves in new mode of learning i,e online for so long time .

 Since last year , I am also doing my course through online mode . It has been almost one year . So today I have many things to share with all of you about online learning . I hope you will enjoy reading it and it will be useful for all students  who are going through my blog.

The advantage of online learning are as follows - 

  • It saves travelling time.
  • It allows us to attend our classes by being in our comfort zone . 
  • In some online courses we can talk to faculty and  reschedule our classes time according to our convenience which is difficult in offline learning . 
  • It allows us to meet those great teachers and some more students virtually who are geographically separated and learn many things from them for our welfare from our residence only.  
  • It also give us chance to improve our knowledge based on using different apps of our phone and Laptop that we use to attend classes , submit assignment , access recordings, creating document etc and these apps play important role in our online learning .   
  • It gives facility of recording class and sharing it which is very useful for students whenever they want to revise what they learnt , they got late for class or they were absent in class. Student can rewind and watch that recordings as many times they want .This facility is not available in offline learning. During offline learning we can record whatever was taught in our class in these 2 location only - our notes and our mind which was active and alert in class.😇
  • It allows us to work in our own pace .
The  disadvantage of online learning are as follows- 

  • Network issues , lack of or no internet connection , lack of battery of device that we are using for attending classes and technical problems in it act as a big barrier at times during our online learning . 
  • Some students find it difficult to maintain self discipline during online learning. 
  • Some topics  which needs lots of imagination seems to be difficult to learn through online mode at times . 
  • Some students who are still having hesitation in asking questions to teachers directly , at times struggles to cope up with their syllabus and they miss many important concepts as well.
  • No electricity connection in our residence also acts as a barrier in online learning .
  • At times it is very difficult to manage time during our online learning .
  • Using phone or laptop for long hours for attending classes causes eye pain , headache or backache if students don't take break and keep some hours free from using phone or laptop after class gets over.
  • It limits our physical activity which is not good for our health and mind

Last year  .when my online classes was about to start I had a mix feeling . It sounds bit funny but it is true . 😂I was excited for meeting my professors and new classmates virtually   and getting engaged  with them in good conversation and learning all subject's concepts as well as other valuable things . But I was not so sure about using technology well during online learning and participating in asking doubts and answering questions most of time . I was also unaware about  facilities that are there in online  learning for our and teacher's welfare before beginning this journey on 9th November 2020. It was a new start  for me that day . During orientation program one of my professor taught us step by step- how to use Google classroom , what facilities we will get , how we can make best use of it etc . It was very helpful for all students . And other things like using PDF app, sharing recordings I learnt after some days by my willingness and someone help. I had overcome my hesitation as well and I started participating in class actively , asking more doubts , answering questions whether I was sure about it or not and giving importance to self study as well so that I don't miss concepts and lag so behind . Due to my perseverance,learning attitude ,parents support , my professors hard work, their help at anytime and friends help I started enjoying online learning and giving my best . 

But at days I noticed that I  was missing  offline class so much and remain disturbed. It was not because I was not understanding anything , facing so much network issue or finding it so boring to attend . But it was because I was missing working in lab, studying with friends in free time and travelling to institute which is not possible in this journey .

Let's stop looking at negative side or what's missing in online learning and complaining every time . Instead of that let's be grateful for all facilities that we are getting in this journey due to our respective  teachers hard work , dedication and determination and make best  use of it .Students if you want to make best use of it then please follow this small suggestion- Practice active listening in all class . Remove hesitation, stop thinking what others will think about your doubts and get engage in productive conversation with teacher . Answer questions no matter you are sure about it or not . Do not neglect self study . Maintain consistency in attending class and self study. Make use of Google to learn more about any concept . Motivate yourself to maintain discipline in this journey because all of us have some goals in our life. Encourage yourself and believe in yourself that you can handle all difficulties in this journey and improve your knowledge and performance accordingly. 

Let all of us keep our learning and sharing what we learnt attitude alive and try continuously for our goals by keeping faith in our efforts  then change in our mode of learning , syllabus or education pattern won't hamper our learning and growth so much. - Kashish 

So I stop my pen here for now . Let's communicate again in coming days with new topic that will arise  interest in you , help you and inspire you . 👱 Thank you my dear readers for giving your precious time and going through my blog. Best wishes to all students for their online learning .👍



  1. Totally agree with you, Online teaching has it's own pros and cons. My opinion, whether online or offline, student's interest and zeal to learn will drive the process. Very well expressed thoughts Kashish, looking forward for many more articles.

  2. Thank you so much my teachers .😊🙏


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