Self doubt

Hello my dear readers ,

I hope all of you are doing well in your life . I am back with my thoughts , learnings and opinions . Today I would like to talk about self doubt in general ,  causes and  some practical solutions to deal with excess self doubt   - through this blog . I hope it will be useful for everyone .😊👍

Introduction :

Whenever we face  self doubt , we emphasize more upon our short comings instead of our plus points that time , feel so scared emotionally and start thinking like this - " I can't do it " , " I can never be good at it no matter how hard I try " etc. .   Remember you are not  alone who  face  self doubt very often , all of us face it regularly in different - different ways and we need to deal with this battle within us  and keep courage to try again in much better way for our goals and responsibilities everyday . 

Like every coin has 2 sides , same thing goes with self doubt . The positive side of having little self doubt is that it generates self awareness , helps us in avoiding carelessness that would arise if we are not consistent in our efforts & procrastinate so much and it forces us to do proper  planning of  our targets and goals on regular basis . The negative side of having excess self doubt is that it does not allow us to focus well , our work seems to be so tuff to us than it actually is when we are stuck in trap of self doubt badly as a result we tend to choose shortcut which is wrong approach to complete that work , it act as a barrier in setting goals & dealing with difficult situations in both work and life . Due to this problem only we often fail to give our best in our work and not able to  become better version of ourselves .

Causes of Self doubt :

Few causes of self doubts are as follows -
  • Negative past experiences and mistakes we had done at past .
  • Self criticism 
  • Comparing our potential with other's potential .
  • Wrong approach of doing certain activity such as learning any subject in incorrect manner.
  • Not analyzing our mistakes properly when we fail in anything .
  • Forgetting about our positive qualities , desire to improve and emphasizing more upon other's opinions .

 Practical solutions to deal with self doubt :

Few practical solutions that will help us to deal with self doubt properly if we try to imply it in our life are as follows -

  • Practice self forgiveness whenever you fail to fulfill any target or do any mistake unintentionally  and give yourself one more chance in order to manage everything in better way because every day God provide us new opportunity, it's up to us how to grab that opportunity for our welfare .
  • Do self introspection . Talk to yourself  ( in mind ) logically and hopefully at this moment .
  • Give yourself some space , try to figure out exact cause of your self doubt and how to overcome it . 
  • Remind yourself about your past achievements and all struggle you had been dealing with throughout your process in order to become whatever you are today .
  • Give extra time to those subjects and activities where you face self doubt very often due to some reasons . Get basics clear and practice it a lot .
Every time no need to fight alone in order to win this battle of self doubt my dear readers . At times we can take help of other's guidance and motivation in this case, it's completely ok .However at the end what we think about ourselves matters more because we are our biggest supporter as well as our  biggest critic . All the best my dear readers for your journey .

Thanks for giving your valuable time and  reading my blog .👩


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