My mom is my role model. She has always work hard to fulfill everyone's happiness and to give proper nourishment to me and my brother. She has many problems in her life like other people but she has always tried her best to deal with all problems strongly that life offers her. She has helped me too by teaching me how to look positively towards different situation of my life. She has often told me that " Never think you are alone at times when you don't see me , your dad and your brother around you. Our blessings are always there with you. When you will close your eyes that time for a while and think about us then you will feel our presence behind you always. But you have to learn to be more strong and confident so you will be able to fulfill all your dreams which are my dreams ." Whenever she said this statement to me and I looked into her eyes I was able to feel her concern, care and love for me. My mom believes that perseverance and patience is very important tool...