Self motivation

Self motivation is an important skill that all of us should practice so no circumstances can stop us to achieve our goals and lead happy life . Our family, friends and well wishers are always there with us emotionally and they try their best to motivate us when we feel low about ourselves due to some problem that life offers . But my dear readers if we don't put any effort from our side to change our thoughts , our habits and our actions then for how long they will be able to guide us and push us .Reflect upon this thought once .The inspiration that we get from others is like a fire that burns for a long time at time and encourage us to move forward in our life to achieve what we want on other hand sometime it stops burning just after some seconds, minutes, hours or days when we don't reflect upon it deeply and we are not even trying to imply it in our life whatever touched our heart . On other hand the motivation that comes from our mind to start an...